Research Interests at the Redwood Center
Current Research Interests
After establishing myself in the Redwood center for theoretical neuroscience, I have come to enjoy a number of general research areas and techniques. Here is a outline of the concepts that currently inform my research:
Statistics and Machine Learning:
Bayesian Models, Graphical Modeling, Hidden Markov Models, GLM Modeling, Sampling Algorithms (eg. Particle Filtering, MCMC, HMC, Gibbs Sampling), Information theory, Rate-Distortion Theory, Maximum Entropy Models, Optimization Methods (eg. Improving on Gradient Descent)
Deep Learning
Back Propagation (including Automatic Differentiation), Convolutional Networks, Recurrent Networks, LSTMs, Energy Models (including contrastive divergence, Minimum Probability Flow, Ising Models, RBMs), Neural Network Art, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Retina, LGN, Visual Cortex, Fixational Eye Movements, Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy, Models of Feedback
Computational Neuroscience
Redundancy Reduction, Efficient Coding, Sparse Coding (and variants, such as Locally Competitive Algorithm, SAILnet), Natural Scene Statistics, GLM Models of Early Visual Processing, Hierarchical Models, Models of Feedback, Hopfield Networks
Computer Vision
Image Pyramids, Fourier Methods for Images, Optical Flow, Image Segmentation
Object Oriented Programming, Python, C++, emacs, vim, Sublime Text 3, theano, blocks, caffe, git
Past Interests
High School Math Competitions (focus on Euclidean Geometry and Algebra), Abstract Algebra, Complex Analysis, Behavior of Dynamical Systems, Perturbation Theory, Asymptotics, Non-Diffusive Random Walks