
As a graduate student in computational neuroscience and machine learning, I spend much of my time coding. Naturally, I want to produce valid code as fast as possible. While the desire to produce code quickly and the lack of a code review process often leads many scientists to produce poorly written code, I have found that using good software engineering processes has dramatically increased my productivity. If you are to take away one thing from this post, it is as follows:

Deliberately designing code that is easy to read and test pays huge dividends.

The rest of this post will discuss why it is beneficial for scientists to write great code and what specific actions you can take to write better code.

What are the benefits of writing great code?

  • Well-written code is easy to read and understand quickly, saving time in the long run: Somebody will have to read parts of your code eventually. Better written code will be easier to read and understand. This is especially important in science because the person reading your code is most likely going to be future-you who doesn’t remember what current-you was thinking. Do yourself a favor and write good code now to save you huge amounts of time in the future.

  • Well-written code is easier to modify substantially: One of the hallmarks of scientific coding is that you are likely to know little about the final form of your analysis. The majority of your work is identifying what your code is going to do and you can only do that by testing different ideas. This is in contrast to more typical software engineering situations where the functionality of the code is better defined at the start. Given the high variability of your code, you should be coding in a way that allows for large changes to be made easily. It is often the case that making large changes to a codebase incurs a certain type of psychological barrier. It is intimidating to dive into some code and make many changes that won’t be testable until all of them are made. When you write great code, changes that seem large in a messy codebase will be feel smaller in a well-written codebase.

  • The code is easier to validate: A key goal of a scientist is to create validated knowledge about the world. The better that you write your code, the easier it will be to be confident that you correctly implemented what you said you did.

High-impact habits for writing great scientific code

  • Write informative descriptions for all of your functions. For every function that you write, write an associated description of that function that defines: what the function does in one sentence, a description of the parameters and a description of what the function returns. For each parameter and return value, give the type of that object. In the case of numerical computing, I’ve found it to be extremely useful to give the shape of all the the relevant matrices in each description of the object. When you go back to the code in the future to make changes, you will find that your documentation will save you huge amounts of time.

  • Use pure functions as much as possible. A pure function satisfies the following:
    • The function always gives the same result given the same argument values. (eg. doesn’t depend on global variables.)
    • The function doesn’t create any side effects (like changing global variables, or mutating the inputs)

    The key benefit of using pure functions is that it makes your code easy to reason through and test because all of the dependencies of that piece of code are localized.

  • Use the ‘Extract Method’ refactoring pattern. Going hand in hand with using pure functions as much as possible, the best way to create pure functions is the ‘Extract Method’ refactoring pattern. For instance, I have code that simulates the eye viewing an image. In the early version of my code, I did all of the relevant initializations in one long code block. This code was hard to reason through and change because there all of the initializations were unnecessarily entangled. Fortunately, this initialization code can be broken down into multiple, relatively independent parts. For instance, this mass of code got replaced with two functions, one to initialize the eye and one to initialize the image. In this way, I took a mess of code and extracted methods that were simpler to reason about. Likewise, in your code, you’ll find that you can reduce the complexity of your code by breaking large code blocks into simpler methods.

  • Use the ‘Create Abstract Class / Interface’ refactoring pattern. In my code, I load in a variety of different types of eye traces that get put into my simulation (eg. various simulated eye traces and eye traces from real eyes). An easy way that I simplify my code is that I created a common interface that any piece of code that loads eye traces satisfies. The rest of the code expects the data loader to output data in a certain format. Thus when I want to load in different data, I just write a function that loads the data in a way that the rest of the code is expecting, and I don’t need to worry about modifying the larger code base. More generally, a key of great coding is to identify repetition of logic in your code and write an abstraction that encapsulates that logic.

  • Test your code: use a unit-testing framework. Whenever you write a complex piece of code, it will inevitably need to be debugged. As humans, we have a limited amount of complexity that we can handle. Thus the best way to build complex code is to decompose the task into simpler parts that will be assembled later. This way, you can assure that each smaller part is reliable and when you are putting these parts together, you know that the errors are coming from the connections between the parts and not the parts themselves. Programmers create frameworks that allow you to efficiently test a large body of code. For python users, I recommend using py.test. The main idea is that for each part of your code, you write tests to verify that they work correctly. By running a unit-testing framework, you collect all of these tests and run them. Furthermore, suppose that you are in the situation where you want to change one of the smaller parts of your code. Without unit tests, if you wanted to verify that those changes worked, you need to run your complex set of code. This is going to be extremely slow. Instead, if you have unit tests, you can know that your changes to the smaller pieces of your code work before seeing how those changes impact the larger codebase.

  • Use code linters that check for style. A code linter is a tool that goes through your code and verifies that it satisfies a set of rules. Many languages have a community dedicated to writing code well. These people create packages that automatically check your code for style. The stylistic choices adopted by your coding community help you avoid common pitfalls in coding in your language and help others read your code. If you are a python user, check out pyflakes, pylint, and pep8. While the suggestions from these code linters can seem excessively pedantic, for the most part, they will help you improve your code quality dramatically.

  • Use version control! (actually practice reverting a change to your code). Unless you are an amazing coder, it is likely that changes to your code are going to need lots of debugging. If you are in the unfortunate situation of not being able to track-down a bug in your code, you can back-track and figure out what changes broke your code if you use version control. Furthermore, version control lowers the psychological barrier to making changes to your code. If you know that you can undo any changes, it is much easier to get in there and make changes.

  • Don’t leave code half-finished When you make changes to code, you keep a mental tab of what changes were made. If you get up before the code is working, you lose track of the changes that you made after the most recent valid version of the code. Likewise, if you are using an interactive programming style (such as an jupyter notebook), it is essential to make sure that the code runs from start to finish without any errors. Thus when you come back to your code in the future, you are starting from code that works. If you are feeling like you cannot possibly make the changes to your code in one sitting, you should thinking carefully about decomposing your change into smaller tasks that can be finished in one sitting without breaking the code.


All improvement starts with developing great habits to replace lackluster habits. In order to feel better about your code and to be more productive, I recommend taking one code habit and practicing it regularly. The more effort that you spend on writing great code, the more that you will enjoy writing code and the more that you will accomplish.

Additional Comments

  • Technical debt: You aren’t always going to write amazing code. Sometimes it is more efficient to write poor code now in order to meet a deadline or to explore your ideas quickly. In software engineering, there is a concept called techincal debt. The idea is that writing poor code now incurs debt that needs to be paid off in the future. Thus the habits in this article shouldn’t be taken as rules that should never be broken. Instead, you should simply understand that when you break one of these habits, you will most likely need to spend time in the future to fix the mess that you created now.

  • For more information on refactoring, check out ‘Refactoring Improving the Design of Existing Code’ by Martin Fowler.

  • Many computational scientists will end up working in industry. You greatly improve your marketability by demonstrating that you know how to write great code.

  • Further reading: